
Common Zoloft Side Effects

Zoloft side effects include: sleeplessness, drowsiness, nervousness, insomnia, dizziness, skin rash, constipation, diarrhea and nausea. You should know what Zoloft can do to you before you use it.


The most common Zoloft side effect is sleeplessness. This can be very annoying. If you don’t get enough sleep your body will try to compensate for that and you will experience the symptoms mentioned.


Another Zoloft side effect is sleepiness. This can make you feel drowsy in the morning. You should take it easy or take a nap when you have trouble falling asleep. If you have had this problem before and now it is more frequent, you should speak to your doctor.


A third Zoloft side effect is insomnia. While Zoloft will not give you insomnia, it can make you feel sleepy at night. Don’t worry, you will not feel drowsy and will have plenty of energy during the day. Make sure that you eat properly so that you don’t become fatigued easily.


Nausea can also occur with Zoloft. It can cause you to feel nauseous and vomit during the day. This can occur on an irregular basis and is very uncomfortable. If you have had this problem before, you should speak to your doctor about how to manage it.


Another Zoloft side effect is muscle aches. Most people report having some muscle aches after taking Zoloft. This can be relieved by using over-the-counter medication such as Tylenol.


If you experience any of the above Zoloft side effects, you should talk to your doctor right away. They will be able to tell you if the Zoloft that you are using is causing them. or if there is something else going on that you should avoid.


If you are using Zoloft as prescribed by your doctor you should not have any side effects. If you are taking another drug or are pregnant, you should not take Zoloft. or any other antidepressant.


Your physician may want to do a drug test to make sure that Zoloft is not affecting other medications. Other antidepressants may be affected by Zoloft if it is being used improperly. Some drugs can also react with Zoloft to affect your blood pressure or heart rate.


If Zoloft causes the following symptoms, stop taking it and contact your doctor right away. They may be signs of serious problems that could require medical treatment. You can prevent these symptoms from happening by making sure you are taking the proper amount of Zoloft.


Some of Zoloft’s side effects include nausea and vomiting. Others may include nervousness, drowsiness, fatigue, and changes in behavior. Some women may notice that they are not ovulating or are becoming less fertile. Plus, Zoloft can make your skin dry and flaky.

To avoid the side effects of Zoloft, you should always read all the information on the drug. If you think you might be having a reaction, see your doctor right away. This way, you can discuss any possible changes you can make.

Before using Zoloft, you should talk to your doctor about the dosage. You should also talk to your pharmacist and seek online advice He or she will be able to provide you with the most up-to-date information on all medications you can use with Zoloft.

Remember you are taking the medication, so make sure you know exactly what you are taking. and what the correct dose should be. When you start taking any new medicine, you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist about what to expect from the medicine.

If you have any questions or concerns about the side effects of Zoloft, you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist immediately. This will help you make sure you are getting the best results from your medication.

Zoloft is not safe for everyone. However, there are people who have experienced positive results with this medication.

Zoloft is not a miracle cure. You have to be diligent in what you do to take advantage of Zoloft.


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