
Cholecystitis Treatment – A Homeopathic Approach

Symptoms and signs of cholecystitis can include: If you experience any of these, you have cholecystitis and you need to know how to treat the condition. Symptoms are the first things you will notice and the most important thing you can do is find out what they are and find the cause of your pain.


Signs and symptoms of cholecysteineitis include: Swelling of your lower right or upper left abdomen. Strong pain that extends down to your lower right side or back. Tenderness over the right side of your abdomen when touched.


There are some common signs and symptoms that occur with other conditions, but if your symptoms are caused by something more serious then you must seek medical advice and treatment. These include: Severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, fatigue, weight loss or gain, diarrhea, jaundice and increased uric acid in the blood.


There are different ways to treat cholecystitis but it is very important that you understand what the causes of your pain are. If you are a woman then there is a chance that you may be suffering from uterine fibroids. This is a common occurrence and doctors will usually try to find out the cause before recommending any treatment options. Other causes of cholecysts include high levels of calcium and vitamin D in the body, infections in the kidneys or gall bladder, or an infection of the pancreas.


You will find that there are many different options for treatment. One option is surgery but the most common is to take vitamin and mineral supplements in order to prevent the condition from coming back. If you already suffer from cholecystic cyst then you can also take prescription pain relief medications which can reduce the pain.


Some people choose not to deal with the pain because they think they cannot afford the expensive treatment


You should never let that stop you from enjoying life as long as you take good care of yourself. Cholecysts are very common, so it is never too late to get the help you need.



Many people who have cholecysts and are taking pain killers do not know they could be causing more harm than good. If you are having an episode of cholecysts then talk to your doctor about alternatives that are available such as non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS, which are often given as a single dose or an infusion.


When looking at possible options to choose from for a natural treatment for cholecysts you should also be aware of the risks and side effects. You should only choose a treatment for your condition if you are sure you can afford the cost and the potential side effects. Your doctor will help you determine if the treatment is suitable.


Pain relievers may be prescribed by your doctor but these can often cause you to have less pain and even nausea. Natural treatments can help you reduce or even eliminate pain but in some cases this may only be temporary as the medication does not work to treat the root cause of the problem.


Certain foods and herbs can also be used as treatments for cholecystitis. These herbal remedies can be found at your local health food store or you can buy supplements online. Herbs that can help reduce inflammation in your digestive tract include Cayenne pepper, black cohosh, echinacea, ginger and oregano.


It is important to ensure that your system balance and proper functioning at all times. Eating healthy and getting plenty of water helps to keep your digestive tract healthy.


If you prefer a more natural solution to the treatment of cholecystitis then a homeopathic treatment is the best option for you. There are many natural ingredients that can be used to help with your symptoms and many people report better results after using one of these treatments.

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