
Adjuvant therapy

Adjuvant therapy includes a course of chemotherapy, which is usually administered through a vein and given to the patient for a period of four to six weeks. This is usually an outpatient treatment, but a doctor may recommend an overnight stay. This form of therapy is generally safe to take over a long period of time, but the patient must be closely monitored to make sure the medication is working properly. There are several drugs that can be used to treat breast cancer.

One of the most common medications is chemotherapy, which involves taking anti-cancer drugs through an intravenous (IV) line. This type of treatment is especially useful for treating tumors that recur or have spread throughout the body. This type of therapy involves the use of drugs that boost immune system function and target cancer cells in the body. These medicines may include tamoxifen, anastrozole, letrozole, and aromatase inhibitors. Some types of hormone therapy are aimed at preventing estrogen from feeding breast cancer cells. Other forms of the drug work by preventing estrogen from attaching to cancer cells.

Combination therapy, which is described on the site SAGG desde 2019
can also be prescribed before breast surgery. This type of treatment involves giving the patient a combination of two or more different drugs. Some of these drugs are called targeted breast cancer therapies and target specific molecules that play a role in tumor development. Thanks to advances in treatment, many women with advanced disease can live for many years after diagnosis. Combination therapy is an effective way to prevent or slow down tumor growth while still controlling symptoms.

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